Monday, June 18, 2012

Amazing Secret Google Adsense

Hi, my name is Suhely. 

I've decided to reveal an Amazing Secret that is making thousands of people Rich on the internet everyday with Google Adsense,  I am not pulling your leg!  I am physically going to show you how to receive anywhere from $3,500 to $5,000 in checks month after month from Google!
I am going to show you a program that Google has opened to the public that is making a great amount of people on going monthly cash within 1-3 months from a system I have Mastered! 
If you are not already familiar with the Google Adsense or you're aware of it but just don't know how to really profit from it then you have just landed at the right website where you will learn exactly everything I do Step by Step to make thousands of dollars every month on the internet with Google.
It is simply Amazing how Easy this system is to operate.  I really don't know of any other opportunity on the internet today that is making a large number of individuals thousands of dollars every month on a continuous basic that's this easy to come by.  Once you get your hands on this information and put it to work, you may decide to walk into your current employers office and tell them you QUIT!!! Take my word on it!

I have been a successful internet business woman for  now. 
I was once in your situation at one time trying to find a profitable internet business where I could make some extra income. I purchased just about every money making program possible on the internet, some good but most of them bad.But, I did not give up. I remember putting in at least 8-10 hours a day on the net searching for internet success.As time went by I started to figure things out and began making some money online. Then over time I started to master what needed to be done in order to make an excellent income on the internet. To make a long story short, I had figured it out.

I am now going to perform a service for you that is making people thousands of dollars monthly with Google Adsense! So, strap on your seat belt and get ready for the ride!

Now that I have figured out how to make an excellent monthly income on the internet with Google Adsense it's now my duty to inform you on how this is done.  Note: I have seriously been pushed to reveal this hidden information to the thousands of people interested in making money on the internet that really works. I want to help others fulfill their dreams of financial freedom. I am giving what took me one year to learn, to you. Yes, you heard me right, one day. All you have to do is follow some simple instructions and we will do the rest to get you on your way to making thousands of dollars monthly on the internet with Google Adsense

Questions You May be Asking Yourself: Is this real? This can't be that easy? Nobody practically gives away this kind of valuable information? The AnswersThis is very real, easy, and being made public because, I am so fed up with these companies and individuals that are ripping people off and just plain lying to them with internet business programs that don't work.

Let's Get You Started Making Money Online!

At the request of the peer to peer all, allow me to share the collection of advanced peer to peer all the questions, which I lay out as much as possible in a language that's understandable. All core questions ask about:

A. How To Update content / Posting
2. How Adsense account
3. Online SEO tricks
4. Offline SEO tricks
5. Backlinks
6. for the time

Well fellow colleagues, I repeat the first bit of the history of Internet Marketing I started approximately in 2008, At first, only to have 10 blogs on and still learning about SEO, keyword research and niche. Because while you learn, of course there are many mistakes in his selection of keywords for its many competitors turned out really, so when it is impossible to be on page one of google. During the first 3 months, after posting contains a regular basis, income is still ZERO. Despair had finally determined to be produced. Because Google is rather difficult to get on page one, then I started looking for another strategy that is "played" in a medial and social media blogs such as MyBlogLog, BlogCatalog, Digg, Stumbleupon, Reddit, BlogSphere, Zimbio, Squidoo, Blogcarnival. I'm trying to blog posts with backlinks to my blog. The result is quite a lot of visitors who come through the media (instead of Google Search)

. Income starting in July 2008 to June 2009 as follows:

July $ 0.92
Oct. $ 0.12
November $ 8.75
Dec. $ 20.19
January $ 3.90
February $ 4.97
March $ 10.95
apr $ 43.32
May $ 85.74
June $ 169.09

So in a year with 10 starts a new blog to 100 blog generates 169.09. But his incredible spirit, too, proud to get. After that while SEO and deepen knowledge of the self-taught internet marketing expert, then I want to try the courage and embrace "the law of large numbers" or more blogs that generate $ better. At that time my target of 1000 blog with the assumption that if a blog can generate $ 1 per day it's not bad $ 1,000 per day. Finally, the determination and the dream of producing a lot of dollars, starting was a "project" is ... a giant target of 1000 blog. For it all begins with "keyword research" using google adwords and keyword tracker. For several days I collected hundreds of niche keywords that will be my blog URL address. The next stage, I made a few accounts at gmail and register it on All I have 8 gmail account. Further on I began to "booking" url based on that keyword niche. After getting 100 url, then to the following account of his and so on. All is empty and no kontentnya. The important thing first get its url. After getting the 300 URL, then one by one, given his blog contains, gadgets, images, made search engine friendly (SEO) in its onpage, for example, meta description, meta keywords, keyword density, onpage link, outbound link. Yummy on its already available all our live set. Oh yes .. it turns out it's Google's ya .. SEO allows for all facilities and gadgets will be very supportive to help your blog get top-10 Google ... and Google would be "best" might help his blog owned,, of course, in a healthy way, as a general rule.
Content was fill out a long time. Content should not be pursued Copas 100%, as much as possible is the remaining 70% only 30% of its modifications, let me see fresh content. I use it autosummarize MS Word.
I started to fill in each of at least 10 blogs and content are posted immediately 3 content, the remaining 7 content in the future publish date using the auto submitter on, so the content does not appear, but there is a pause at the same time 1-4 weeks. Its intent to be consistent "no new posts".
At that time I spent my time sometimes 3-4 hours a day until 6 hours to fill each of my blog that the number of its hundreds of them.
4-5 a day if blogs have left 10 contains, then a month to about 100 blogs. and 300 blog in 3 months.
Once it started to make 100 blogs again (which to-400) within 3 months and so on until now. Of course there is a lag time where my guns empty blogging at all, ordinary people can understand well saturated.
There are some comments from experts in the IM that you should not and should domain name itself is not good ... for the future and less cool to use the domain of others. It's true, but I thought differently ... First Google .. is his number one search engine. There must be "facilities," which will facilitate a blog at to achieve page 1 of his lawful manner. And I want to prove it.
As of April 2012 This blog blog my position as follows:

MSN 86
Yahoo 73
Google 109
Total 268

In total there are 109 of my blog is on page-1 of Google, the blog on page 73 and 86 1 Yahoo! Blog at page 1 Bing / MSN.
This means that with a 109-page blog in a yield of approximately $ 899.99 this April, or $ 8.9 per blog page 1 or $ 899.99 / 600 = $ 1.50 per blog per month blog or $ 0.05 per blog per day. Still far from the $ 1 per day.
But the potential is still open.

After having 600 blogs, how to update it? I must have priority. For that I categorize all my blogs into 3 parts:
1. The top 10 Google
2. Positions 11-50 of the Google
3. Positions 51-1000 of Google.

The > 1000 of Google while I did not touch first. And according to recent statistics by the position of my blog blog categories mentioned above are as follows;
SEARCH Top 10 Top 50 Top 10 Top 50 Top 1000

Need to see that 109 at page one Google blog chances are there is also on page 1 Yahoo and Bing. Based on these statistics are posted on my priority 1 Google by submitting fresh content each at least once a month .. but consistent. Then I focus on the 2-5 page position Google as a potential entry into the position of page 1 of Google and so on nya.After update the content, I submit to directories and social media to create "backlinks". And so on ... and of course, still there is a time lag or blank where I was not blogging at all ... sometimes saturated eeuy!
When do I need each day approximately 2.5 hours to 10-20 blogs.
So the lesson can be learned here is that you must have a record of progress of each of your blog in terms of an eye position a view search engine.

For SEO blog at or you need to consider is that your content must meet the requirements of keyword density is equal to your competitors. not too many "keywords" in your content, SHG will be recorded by the Search Engine. do not forget the "internal link" to other pages in your blog. Later in the facility "edit HTML", enter the meta description and meta keywords that appear in its search engine. Then use a "gadget" on wisely as RSS Feeds, News, Slideshow, HTML, Links to Blogs, Text Link, Youtube, Adsense and its facilities. To select a 3 adsense text link and 3 other species (Leaderboard, Small Square and Mini Skyscraper)
I chose a simple theme and template that is white with a 2-3 collumn type.
To offpage SEO, submit your URL to multiple Search Engines, Directories, Blog Directories, Social Media Website (Digg, reddit, blogcatalog, Stumbleupon, Zimbio, Technorati, etc.) and the Blog, Ezine Articles and Go Articles.

So think about how I manage my blog to 600. In the future remains my target is 1000 blog may be a recently completed by the end of 2012 (hopefully not end yes ... he .. he). May benefit, and apologize if there are words that Kuran is pleased and asked it be possible feedback and suggestions my way and the method is less accurate or correct.

Yours sincerely

Suhely Sitorus

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